Topify - Responsive Blogger Template

Topify - Responsive Blogger Template


Topify is a professional blogger template. It's very fast, and it can boost your ranking on Google more easily. Topify can help you increase your ad earnings, especially with AdSense, as it has several ad sections, including In-Feed and In-Article Ads. Topify is also fully customizable and you can create many different and amazing designs for each of your sites.


  • 100% Responsive Design.
  • Auto RTL Version.
  • Fixed Menu.
  • Mega Menu.
  • Automatic Mobile Menu.
  • Header Ads.
  • Custom Featured Post.
  • AdSense (In-Feed ADS) on Homepage.
  • Ads Sections (In-Article ADS 1, In-Article ADS 2) on Post Page.
  • Disqus and Facebook Comments.
  • Fixed Sidebar.
  • Post List Widget by (Recent, Label or Comments).
  • About Section on Footer.
  • Footer Menu.
  • Templateify Post Shortcodes.
  • Full-Width Version.
  • Auto Translate.
  • Fast Loaded.
  • SEO Optimized.
  • Fully Customizable Background, Widths, Colors and Fonts.
  • Remove Footer Credits (Custom Copyrights).
  • Use For Clients.
  • 6 Months of Premium Support.
  • Lifetime Template Updates.

    Template Details

    • Name Topify - Responsive
    • Theme, Content Demo & Doc
    • Layout Responsive
    • Editing Admin Site
    • Designer Admin Stress

    Clone Version

    • Remove Footer Credits
    • One Time Payment
    • No Encrypted Scripts
    • Lifetime Premium Support
    • For Unlimited Domains
    • Do not accept Updates
    • And Much More...
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