Aeon Premium Blogger Template Free Download

Aeon Premium Blogger Template Free Download

Aeon Premium Blogger Template Free Download

Aeon Premium Blogger Template Free Download


Aeon Blogger Template is a clean modern fast and easy to use blogger template. Packed with everything you need to set up a beautiful blog & photo gallery, its modern minimalistic design, and strongly focusing on typography, ease of use and minimalist blogger templates in design philosophy. It’s suitable for a Food blog, Lifestyle Blog, Photography Blog, Cake Blog, Travel blog, Parenting/Mom’s blog, Health, Fitness and Gym, Personal Blog, Fashion Blog, Yoga Blog, Pets Blog, Car mag, Game Mag, Tech Mag and many more.! Following are some of the key features of Miona blogger template.


  • Layout
  • Widget
  • Reponsive
  • Mobile Friendly
  • 404 Page
  • Search
  • Related Post
  • Label Widget
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Back To Top
  • Remove Footer Credits
  • Stylish Social Widget
  • No Encrypted Scripts
  • Share Button
  • Follow By Email Widget
  • Featued Post Widget
  • Popular Posts Widget
  • Banner Ads Widget

    Template Details

    • Name Aeon Premium
    • Theme, Content Demo & Doc
    • Layout Responsive
    • Editing Admin Site
    • Designer Admin Stress

    Clone Version

    • Remove Footer Credits
    • One Time Payment
    • No Encrypted Scripts
    • Lifetime Premium Support
    • For Unlimited Domains
    • Do not accept Updates
    • And Much More...
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    Themes for Members

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