Google Plus Responsive Blogger Template Th3safelink

Google Plus Responsive Blogger Template Th3safelink

Google Plus Responsive Blogger Template Th3safelink

Google Plus Responsive Blogger Template Th3safelink

Google Plus Blogger is an interface template designed like a material-style google + social networking site, which has a relatively fast page loading speed, a simple, neat layout. This is a perfect topic for personal blogs


Google Plus Template Features:

Features Availability
Responsive True Check
Mobile Friendly True Check
Google Testing Tool Validator (Index) True Check
Google Testing Tool Validator (Item) True Check
SEO Friendly True
Personal Blog True
3 Column True
Top Navigation True
Breadcrumbs True
PopUp Search Box True
Back to Top Button True
Footer Menu True
POpUP Share Button True
Featured Recent Post True
Blogger Comment System True
Fast Version True
Newsletter Widget True
Related Post True
Sticky Sidebar True
404 Page True
Recent Comment Widget True
Banner Ads Widget/td> True
Fixed on Mobile True
And Much MOre.. True

Recent Comments:

         .nxmoi li{border-top: 1px solid #999;padding:10px}
         .nxmoi li:hover:before{background:#F48FB1}
         .nxmoi span a{font-weight:600;transition: color .3s;}
         .nxmoi span {color:#000}
         <script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
         var sl_nhanxet = 5,
         kt_nhanxet = 50;
         // Recent Comment
         function nhanxetmoi(json) {
         var entry, commurl, commsum;
         document.write('<ul class="nxmoi">');
         for (var i = 0; i < sl_nhanxet; i++) {
         entry = json.feed.entry[i];
         if (i == json.feed.entry.length) break;
         for (var k = 0; k <; k++) {
         if ([k].rel == 'alternate') {
         commurl =[k].href;
         commsum = ("content" in entry) ? entry.content.$t : ("summary" in entry) ? entry.summary.$t : "";
         commsum = commsum.replace(/<.*?>/g, "");
         if (commsum.length > kt_nhanxet) commsum = commsum.substring(0, kt_nhanxet) + "...";
         document.write('<li><span><a href="' + commurl + '" rel="nofollow">' +[0].name.$t + ':</a></span> <span>' + commsum + '</span></li>');
         <script type='text/javascript' src="/feeds/comments/summary?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=nhanxetmoi"></script>
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