Current NQnia Premium Blogger Template 2019 Th3safelink

Current NQnia Premium Blogger Template 2019 Th3safelink

Current NQnia Premium Blogger Template 2019 Th3safelink

Current NQnia Premium Blogger Template 2019 Th3safelink

Peace and mercy be upon you God and his Blessings. The following is a template in the form of a portfolio, responsive template with  2 columns on the posting page, this template I share by Free For those who are already members.

Current NQnia Premium Features:

Features Availability
Responsive True Check
Mobile Friendly True Check
Google Testing Tool Validator (Index) True Check
Google Testing Tool Validator (Item) True Check
SEO Friendly True
Personal Blog True
2 Column True
Top Navigation True
Breadcrumbs True
Popup Search Box True
Back to Top Button True
Share Button True
Featured Recent Post True
Blogger Comment System True
Fast Version True
Newsletter Widget True
Related Post True
Sticky Sidebar False
Image Lightbox True
Fixed Menu SVG True
Shortcodes True
And Much More... True


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ul.socmedia li {
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Add Side Yellow Card (Hi, My friend)

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    color: #fff!important;
    margin-bottom: 1.5rem!important;
    font-size: 17px;
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">Why not buy a logo design service for your site with high accuracy and in many formats in addition to other professional features for only $ 5 !!</p>
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